Your Average Witch Podcast

Journey Beyond the Cauldron with Spiritual Mentor Rowan Moon

Clever Kim Season 4 Episode 18

What do you wish I asked this guest? What was your "quotable moment" from this episode?

Discover the transformative magic of embracing your inner witch with Rowan Moon, an enchanting guide through the world of witchcraft and spirituality. Our conversation with Rowan takes us on a journey from the clandestine witchy practices tucked away within her Catholic upbringing to the liberating embrace of her true spiritual path. Get ready for a lighthearted look at the unexpected magic found in daily life, the soul-soothing practice of meditation, and the thrill of engaging with the spirit world. This episode is more than a simple chat; it's a revelation of how witchcraft can instill a profound sense of accountability and empowerment in our beliefs and actions.

Witchcraft is not all cauldrons and broomsticks; it's a community with its own misconceptions and challenges, many of which Rowan eloquently addresses. We candidly discuss the misunderstood intricacies of spell jars, the catharsis found in the simple act of decluttering, and the resources that spark our guest's creativity. Rowan opens up about her personal journey away from the church, delving into the struggles of dismantling long-held beliefs and finding solace in writing about her path to healing. Highlighting the need for open dialogues about religious trauma within the witch community, this episode promises to be a beacon of support for those navigating their own spiritual mazes.

Join us for a whimsical conclusion as Rowan suggests one of the most ancient forms of magic: reading. She shares a curious encounter with a mysterious creature and the family banter that followed, reminding us of the delight found in storytelling and the connections it fosters. Remember, our journey through the mystical doesn't end here. Connect with us to share your own experiences or seek out camaraderie on this magical life road. Whether you're an experienced practitioner or simply witch-curious, this episode is brewed just for you!

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Welcome back to your Average Witch, where every Tuesday we talk about witch life, witch stories and sometimes a little witchcraft. Your Average Witch is brought to you by Crepuscular Conjuration. This week I'm talking to author Rowan Moon. We talked about meditation, what it's like to come out of the broom closet to your partner, and a little bit about jar spells. Now let's get to the story. Hi Danielle, Welcome to the show. Hello, Can you please introduce yourself and let everybody know who you are and what you do and where they can find you.


I am Danielle. I go by Rowan Moon as an author. You can find me on Facebook, instagram or TikTok. Facebook's Rowan Moon Instagram is Rowan underscore yeah, underscore moon 22. And TikTok is at Rowan moon 22. And I have a book. It's called binding feathers a journey to spiritual freedom.


It's fun when you can't, when you can't have all the same socials everywhere, isn't it?


I know, I know I tried to, isn't it? I know, I know I tried to. What does it mean to you when you call yourself a witch? Oh, the best part is empowerment, because you know accountability for your own words, thoughts, actions, everything. It's all on you all on you.


Can you go into your spiritual past background, childhood? Did you have any witchy things happen to you as a kid?


Well, I didn't realize it at the time, but now I realized that I had a very witchy background. I grew up Roman Catholic. Right Right Once I finally started exploring witchcraft I thought, oh, that's interesting. Lots of interesting things that I discovered in the church that were, you know, witchy but a little off. We'll just put it that way.


I was watching this guy who was very Christian because it was a homesteader channel and almost all of them are like super christian and this dude was doing water witching. He was like it's called witching, but it's not witchcraft. If it was, I wouldn't be doing it. Okay, guy, all right.


You keep telling yourself that I know right the things that we do or grew up doing. It's's. Yeah, blow out those birthday candles, baby.


Keep not doing witchcraft Right exactly, that's okay. Can you introduce us to your own practice, Like do you have any consistent things that you do throughout the week?


Well, a regular practice. That's tough, but the most consistent is meditation. I know a lot of people cringe. They're like, oh my God, I hate meditation, but it's powerful. You know it does a lot of people cringe. They're like, oh my God, I hate meditation, but it's powerful, it does a lot and I can always tell when I haven't done enough. I can feel it. The energy is completely different. But I started really diving into spirit work and, oh man, it is awesome. I love it so much because it covers so many different things. You know ancestors and land spirits, it's all. It's all so fun and fascinating, the things that you can't see. But are there Super cool.


I know everyone says says this, but I do need to meditate I know, I know it, you know how much I meditate none I know and it's hard sometimes to to get yourself mentally prepared and like set aside time where you're not worried about how long you have until something else comes up, but it's worth it when you are done class and he really went into it and was like the fact that you acknowledge that fact that you got distracted and then kept doing.


It is what it is, exactly that's the meditation part.


We put so much pressure on ourselves. It's really hard to, you know, block everything out where we have a thousand other things going, but just the attempt is, you know, a big win.


I should, I should do that same how would you say, witchcraft changed your life oh, I took my power back.


you know, instead of following what other people tell me, and just you know, this is how it is and these are your rules. Witchcraft has taught me yes, yes, I know right, rules are meant to be broken the best, but it's very freeing. You find your own spirituality and what you really truly believe, instead of what you're told to believe, which some may be the same. You might come back around to the same things eventually, but at least you got there on your own instead of because somebody said so.




Mom Thanks. Mom, I know Catholicism. I'm telling you my mom doesn't know.


The thing she told me was usually right.




I'm going to leave that alone.


She doesn't listen to this podcast, though, so it's fine. My mom would never listen to a podcast like this. I don't think my mom would listen to a podcast period I know my mom's probably like podcasts because boomers yes, exactly, exactly. Let's change that.


Yeah, yep classes on how to work their phone. Yeah, being ageist. Okay, I'm being ageist, that's dickish.


Well. I mean, but my mom doesn't body work her phone, so it's true, though I know you should see my dad trying to FaceTime, he's still got the phone up to his ear.


Like Dad, you're just showing everybody inside your ear right now.


It's cute though.


What is the biggest motivator in your?


practice and has it changed since you first started? Oh, I love talking to those outside of our community about witchcraft because there are so many misconceptions and I feel that embracing the name witch is very powerful and it's so important Because it's nothing like what people think. And my fiance is incredible. When I first mentioned witchcraft to him he was like, uh, but as I learned and you know, of course I'm telling him everything I'm learning, so I'm having so much fun. He's, he's getting it and he's totally open to it. He doesn't practice, but he's, he's seeing, you know, he's learning and I love that.


I think that's very cool, but I don't know. I guess, just learning myself, it hasn't really changed, I guess. But the way that I'm learning has changed a lot. You start out you have to learn all of the Witchcraft 101 basic stuff, the elements and meditation, but then as you grow you start to see that so much is about you and your environment and you can learn much more from yourself and you're allowing your thoughts to go deeper than you know just to just read basics all the time, which are great and I think it's super important. But letting yourself get philosophical is huge.


Why would you fight that? I think about stuff all the time really hard.


Well, I think that's part of coming from a Christian background. You're not supposed to think too hard, because then you might start to realize things and that's kind of frowned upon.


What would you say is your biggest struggle in your practice?


oh, I want to know everything right now. Me too, I. I have bought so many books because I'm like, oh, I want to read that, I want to read that, I want to learn this, I want to learn this, and it's just like there's not enough time, there's not enough hours in the day. I'm like I, I got to read some, I got to read. I got to read, I got to wash dishes. No, I got to read, I want to read.


And I've tried to do audio books and a bunch of my friends do really well, but I can't Right, can't do it?


Yeah, I can't either, but when I'm trying to learn something or find new motivation or inspiration somewhere, that's when I go to podcasts or YouTube. It's pretty handy, yeah.


How do you deal with imposter syndrome?


Honestly, I ignore it. Just keep pushing through, just keep going. There's something to learn in everything, and if I'm doubting myself, all I have to do is really think about more specifically what it is that I am questioning, and maybe I just need to read more, maybe I need to meditate more on those topics. And it's really. It's just me, you know, it's my insecurity. Not that I'm really incompetent or you know what I mean.


No, because that's because I just suffer.


Well, I don't know, I just, I think. I'm more it does, it does. But I think my focus is so much on learning, learning, learning all the time that I don't have time for it. I just I ignore it and keep learning something.


That's cool. That's a good. I like that. I approve. Yay. What brings you the most joy in your practice.


Oh, man, being my truest self, I have never felt more me than I do now, more me than I do now, which I don't know if that even made sense to anybody but me.


But I guarantee you it does.


I've heard so many podcasters and YouTubers say it feels like coming home and it is. That is the truest thing and that was the first way that I described how I felt, because that's accurate. It feels good.


I like it.


Yeah it's. You're not living based on somebody else's belief system. You know else's belief system.


You know that. Just the fact that people can do it and not have those beliefs is baffling to me.


I know. Yeah, what's something you did early in your practice that you don't do anymore, and why don't you do it? Spell jars I think they have a place for sure, but you know when they really started to get popular, I think it caused a lot of misunderstanding for their purpose. Not everything should be contained.


And held in your put into your fridge. I want my rage in my refrigerator.


I know, yeah, I don't want my rage in my refrigerator. I know, oh, yeah, I mean I think they're good, but you really need to think about the point. Is this something that should have a lid on it? Should this be sealed? Most likely not, but you know it's a learning experience.


Especially if you're putting vinegar and nails on that jar. Homie, don't do that, because it will explode. Definitely Totally not safe, just like my rage, yes. Wow, maybe it is appropriate not in my freezer though true, true, oh man I will say if you have a chance to go to the dump and chuck a bunch of stuff into the mall, do it. It's great the dump is one of my favorite places to go now, because I love getting rid of.


That's a great idea that's it.


Just because I love getting. There's no other fingers, it's just that one I love it.


I'm so gonna do that.


I love that so freeing to just throw a bunch of shit out of the back of the truck and then leave with an empty truck. Bye, Peace out. What is your favorite tool? It does not have to be a physical thing. It can be a song or an idea or a thought you have repeatedly. Whatever, what is it and how do you use?


it Books, number one books, any kind of podcasts or YouTube content creators are a really good way to get inspiration and motivation and make you think about things that you're not going to come up with on your own, and it has led me down so many rabbit holes Because you listen to one and then you want to hear somebody else's perspective. So now you've got 15 different podcasts you want to listen to about the same topic, because they're all going to say something different. It's just, it's fun.


I get new ideas every time I do an interview.


I love it. It's so cool. I love different perspectives.


I think that's what's so cool about this community.


What kind of a schmo would I be if I didn't?




That would be weird. Well, it wouldn't be a very interesting podcast, probably not, but also I wouldn't be a very interesting podcast?


probably not, but also I wouldn't be a very interesting person uh, uh, you know, I'm gonna keep those thoughts to myself I don't want to sound, I promise I'm interesting. Can you pick out one decision that you've made that changed the direction of your life, and will you tell us what it is?


oh, giving myself permission to leave the church, yeah, that was tough, that was really hard, and it took years of kind of inching my way out and secretly learning things on the down low. And then it was like surprise, here I am, this is me, this is the real me. But that was a surprise to myself too.


Have you written about your deconstruction experience? I have.


I have. I have experienced a lot of things that are probably very much like um other people who have left a Christian background. I haven't personally experienced any of the physical stuff, especially the Catholic church, but, um, the way that you know your mind is kind of trained, it's very damaging. And, um, the way that you know your mind is kind of trained, it's very damaging and restrictive. And some of the things that I worked through I kind of kept in the back of my mind and decided to write about it, because I could not find any kind of books about that specific topic.


You know there are a lot of personal trauma books and things like that, but nothing about leaving a Christian background specifically. I mean it could relate to other major religions, but I couldn't find anything. And I thought if we can start conversations and people can read my experience and see that this is normal, your insecurities and the questions that you have in your head are normal and they're okay and it's all healthy, just keep working through it, just keep pushing, let yourself ask questions. And that's why I felt it was so important to write it down and share it, because that's what I would have wanted, which is, I think, pretty typical in our community, for the reason people write books. You know, I wish that I had this when I was getting started. That's so so common.


I just didn't see this one and I thought, you know there's space for it, there's somebody out there who could benefit from this.


How do you pull yourself out of a magical swamp?


Let it flow. Sometimes you just got to kind of sit back and focus on some other things mundane life, you know family work, family work whatever and come back to it, start, start fresh, or keep pushing through, keep meditating, keep doing little little work, so don't just wallow in it like I do. Well, I mean, you know, eventually you get sick of wallowing and you're like, hey, let's do something fun. Yeah, let's put somebody in the freezer, that was my best witch laugh, by the way, best witch laugh.


by the way, what's something you wish was discussed more in the witch community?


Religious trauma. For sure. I don't think that it's talked about enough. There's so much just learning the basics crystals and correspondences and things like that, which are great. I think that's super important and I've for sure used all of that. But I think there needs to be more conversation about, um, how difficult it can be mentally to make that disconnection and to start um, uh, deciphering between what you really truly believe and what you are afraid to say you don't believe.


Do you have suggestions?


Suggestions. For what exactly?


For like resources for people who are looking to start to talk about it, besides a therapist, which of course we do recommend.


but I do, I totally do. I think, yeah, I think therapy is can be amazing. Unfortunately, I wish that I had more suggestions that I have personally found other than myself, and I'm hoping that through my social media, people can share what they have found outside of me. I just kind of want to be that place where those things can be shared. You know, if someone experiences, um, uh, a book or a website.


I dropped my fidget rock, a book or a website.


I dropped my fidget rock.


Well, your face was the best part.


Oh, dang it. If somebody has a really good experience, they don't know where to share that. I, you know my social media can be that place. I don't have to be involved, I will like it. I will like it every single day. It just needs to. There needs to be a space for it.


I feel like I get that from my community that we've sort of all constructed around ourselves.


I agree People.


So if you don't have a community start to make one.


I agree A hundred percent. Don't have a community start to make one.


I agree 100 jump on those follow trail trains people do in groups. Oh, here's my instagram follow me, actually do it I totally agree, yep think of the three biggest influences on your practice, whether it's people or a book or what does Spartans do? Crap that philosophy that Spartans have. There's a word for it.


Oh man, this does not go the way I planned. Oh, I'll think of it later. I will not think of it right now.


Think of the three influences and thank them for how they've influenced your practice.


Ancestors are incredible. If you give them a chance to talk to you, they will help you. They're there. Hopefully, I will be that ancestor that will be called upon hundreds of years from now and they're like that chick rocks Like she has. She has given me some some real um uh education and some guidance. I want to be that ancestor. Um, I am not wicked, not in any way interested in wicca. However, I do think that gardner and others are. They've played a big part in getting our community to where we are now, to where it's actually safe to talk about witchcraft in the public. And, you know, call ourselves witches. I don't ever want to be wicked, but I think it was an important step and he took a big chance. And content creators like you, like you know all of the youtubers it's there's. It gives us, um, a voice, it gives a platform. It's a very, very important resource that you're also a content creator.


You have to include yourself Also. I almost ducked when you said that. Who?


No, I mean it's. I have learned so much from podcasts and YouTube that it's I can't even begin. You know list everybody. You know what I mean it's and I think it's brave. It's brave as hell. You're putting your name, your face, out there and your thoughts and opinions. That's very vulnerable and it's scary, I do think about that?


well don't, especially with the upcoming election, oh which I don't want to talk about, but that yeah, same does occur to me.


Yeah, so yep I know, I know, what advice do you have for someone just starting out? Oh, you see, so many people say where do I start? I don't know where to start. Just start somewhere, pick something up, listen to something, watch something and see where it goes. I mean, personally, I jump all over the place. I don't know what I'm going to be learning from one day to the next, and I'm cool with that because I learned so much. You know, I think people get really hung up on following recipes. You know, like I have to use this, this, this, because this corresponds with this it says sage, it says white sage.


Yes, I have to use this thing and this thing and this thing and I need this list of six things, but I don't have the six things, so I can't do it.


Okay, well, I'm kind of torn about that.


You know, know what I feel the same way, because when I want, to hear your talk, I needed recipes and I yes, I agree with that. It is a good way to start, but I think it is a really good practice with getting in tune with your intuition and sensing properties, and you have so many things probably around you that you can use. Instead, you just have to learn what it is.


There is an Instagram account of a dog walker in new york city and this is not witchcraft related, but every day they pick up stuff they find on the walks and arrange it in a pretty way and take a picture of it. They make art of, of it. So even in New York City you can find things like leaves and sticks and rocks and whatever weird crap people left around.


Like I go outside and I'm not going into more than that, right, because it's easy for me to go outside. I can do a protection spell just by going outside and picking stuff up. You can too Maybe they can't Exactly they can to go outside, I can do a protection spell just by going outside and picking stuff up. You can too Maybe they can't Exactly they can't go outside and pick up cacti like I can.


I mean I don't, I can't either.


Because, my hands have skin on them, but I can go get the forms. Give me 50 years, but you can find something out there. Yeah, yep, exactly.


Who do you think I should have on the show? Now that you've seen what these questions are like, I don't have anybody specific, but if they have another perspective, that's all I can say. Which I mean, I am probably the least qualified person you've ever had on your show, but I think it makes it interesting. It makes it a little bit different, maybe easier to relate to for some people.


You're a witch. That means you're qualified to be on the show.


Oh, that's such a compliment.


Is there anything else? You wanted to bring up Any questions that I didn't ask that you wanted to talk about Any new books you have coming out, or did you have any questions for me?




That was unnerving. Wait, what's about?


to happen. I'm like okay, am I? Can I go now like I don't know? Okay, oh, the jaws are killing me.


I told you it would be easy to talk to me I'm this guy, oh man, okay.


Um, I am currently working opening a shop soon. Um, for now, because of our new location, I don't know what kind of witchy community we have around. Um, for now, it will be the usual on Etsy. I'm not even going to try to sell on Amazon because, yeah, that's yeah, I just made a yuck face for everyone who's actually watching.


But there's a lot that I see that could be filled in, that people like myself would want to buy Good quality, handmade, affordable. Hopefully I will have a brick and mortar because I think that just the atmosphere is so fun. Our local places. I'll go in just to smell it, you know, just to like, just to feel it. It's just cool, it's fun, and I used to be your tagline come in just to smell it.


Come in just to smell us. I love it. It's real, because they do always smell good when you go into a wood shop. They do.


I love that. It's just got this great vibe. You know just, you can go in, have the worst day and then you're like all right, I'm good. Now I'm surrounded by magic. I love it. I love it. Oh, but my question for you what, um, what motivates you and inspires you?


in what area, in what arena? Whatever uh, sometimes it's cause I'm mad that day you know what that is such a good one.


I love it. My house will be so clean when I'm mad.


Usually I go out and do yard work. Oh well soon If I'm mad Sometimes it's because I'm really excited. Sometimes it's because I'm bored. Sometimes it's because I'm really excited. Sometimes it's because I'm bored. Sometimes it's because I'm nosy, like this podcast, because you answered all my questions. Where in life can you just wander in and start asking people nosy stuff and they just start talking to you?


It's fun. I like knowing stuff me too.


That's why I do this cool so the last two things that I ask of guests and listeners if you want, send them in whatever I'll read them, but but I meant the guest. Thing number one is please recommend something to the listeners. It doesn't have to be witch related, just whatever you're into this week, tell them about it.


I sound like a broken record, but read. Oh, I thought you were going to say meditation. I mean, I don't want people to hate me. People hate that. They don't want to be told to meditate. I mean meditate, but that's not my recommendation. No, I love reading. Reading, you learn something, whether it's super useful, or you're just more enlightened, or you have more experience through somebody else. You know it's. It's always a good time, it's well okay. No, it's always. It's always useful. Somehow it's better than mindlessly scrolling.


Yeah, yeah, nearly everything is better than that, even though I do it. Yes, I totally do it Well we all do I know there are better things to do.


Yep, the last thing is please tell me a story. It can be a story from your life. It can be a story of something goofy that happened to you as a kid, or something exciting, or something witchy. Or it can be a story that of something goofy that happened to you as a kid, or something exciting, or something witchy or it can be a story that you liked hearing as a child, got it okay.


So my fiance and kids are going to love that. I told you this story because they they get on me all the time and they use it against me all the time. So we have a Jeep Wrangler and it is so much fun to just take the top down, ride around, get some air, some sun, whatever, listen to some some cool tunes, which half the time is taylor swift, but that's okay. Um, so we were riding one day and there were trees lining both sides of the road and I I, you know, I love nature, I love looking around and seeing, you know just the colors and what's out there, and I wasn't really thinking about anything. And I look out and I see something behind a tree and I was like what the hell was that? Oh man. So this thing was probably two feet tall. Stop it. It had no clothes, no hair, it was flesh colored. Why are you look at me like that?


I don't like it. Things that are flesh colored I don't like that word.


I I hate that word terrible, but I'm trying to. I I waited a while before I I told them about it, but it was just kind of like strolling through the woods and I've never seen anything that I couldn't explain. Besides, you know shadows and you little things like that that could definitely be explained away. But I know what I saw and I'm trying to tell them about it later and I'm like, okay, so my fiance is not, he's an honorary part of our community, is he scully? He's an honorary part of our community, is he scully? Yes, that's perfect. Oh, wow, what a reference. So many people are not going to get that if they're, like you know, in their 20s, what.


But yeah, yeah, it's sad we're not going to talk about ages. I know that's terrible. It's so sad we're not going to talk about ages.


I know, it's terrible, it's so sad, it hurts. And then you know, my kids are 10 and 14 and they're like mom, what are you talking about? And the way that I described it was a bald headed toddler sized. So now, now it's. They make fun of me about the bald-headed toddler all the time. I mean I they have probably referenced it a dozen times, since Of course they have. I don't remember if it was last summer. Oh man, they don't let me live that down. The bald-headed toddler, mom. Did you see the bald-headed toddler again? No, but I want to yes, I did, he's outside your window right.


I know you can't torture your own children like that, but gosh sure you can, I totally would, and they know that. You gotta get a doll and leave footprints along the yes Under their window.


Well, now they can't listen to this.


You got like a month to do this. Yeah, set it up.


Okay, got it Perfect. Actually, I got it perfect. Actually, I got it. Anything it was, um. Well, I did some research, of course, because that's what I do and um, no idea how to pronounce it, but it will actually be mentioned in a book in the future. It there is a native american um land spirit that has been talked about in this area that I was completely unaware of until I did the research about that experience. I wish very much I could pronounce it old toddler Until I did the research about that experience. I wish very much I could pronounce it Old toddler. It is Right, I don't even remember how I did it. I'm not sure. I kind of don't want to go back there in my memory. But yeah, it's actually a thing and I can't say it. It's one of those long, super cool Native American words.


It's in this country and it's a Native word. Yeah, because we mostly learn Germanic and Latin pronunciation, not whatever language they speak here or have spoken languages.


Yeah, yeah.


I don't want to see that. I don't want to see a bald baby walking through the woods.


I didn't get like a vibe from it like that it was. It seemed like it vibe from it like that it was. It seemed like it was just kind of there, I don't know.


Then I just be upset about a baby wandering around the woods by itself. I don't want that either way.


I don't want I had people ask me that I'm like no, this, this was not like that. You'd have to. Definitely wasn't a bald baby it. No, this was not like that.


It definitely wasn't a bald baby. It was just shaped sort of like one Right, oh yeah, that's just to give you reference. I know what I saw, exactly, exactly.


Yep, you can can laugh, it's funny well.


Thank you for being on the show and for sharing your stories and telling us about all your stuff. I don't know what's coming out of my mouth right now, so everybody, make sure you go check out Rowan Moon on instagram and facebook, and links will be in the show notes immediately. Go click those links and follow. Okay, I'll see you on instagram. Bye, so welcome to hive house, hello. Bye, so welcome to Hive House, hello. We're going to do a little thing that is not a game, but it's sort of like a game, but it's not a game.


Oh, no, say when, when.


What TV show friend group is the most like your own? What five things would people use to call you in a summoning spell, and how did they know that it worked?


Okay so.


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You can even listen to the full your Average Witch podcast library, including show notes and transcripts. Check it out at crepuscularconjurationcom. Thanks for listening to this episode of your Average Witch. You can find us all around the internet on Instagram, at your Average Witch Podcast, facebookcom, slash groups, slash hivehouse, at wwwyouraveragewitchcom and at your favorite podcast service. If you'd like to recommend someone for the podcast, like to be on it yourself, or if you'd like to advertise on the podcast, send an email to youraveragewitchpodcast at gmailcom. Thanks for listening and I'll see you next Tuesday.