Your Average Witch Podcast

Embracing the Mystical Path With Krystal of Energy Ripple: A Witch's Journey to Healing and Community Connection

May 21, 2024 Clever Kim Season 4 Episode 21
Embracing the Mystical Path With Krystal of Energy Ripple: A Witch's Journey to Healing and Community Connection
Your Average Witch Podcast
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Your Average Witch Podcast
Embracing the Mystical Path With Krystal of Energy Ripple: A Witch's Journey to Healing and Community Connection
May 21, 2024 Season 4 Episode 21
Clever Kim

What do you wish I asked this guest? What was your "quotable moment" from this episode?

Have you ever felt the pull of energy work or the call of the metaphysical world? Krystal Vasquez of Energy Ripple joins us to share her intriguing blend of what many would call witchcraft with her healing practices. Through her tales, we gain insight into the modern accessibility of witchy tools and how she evolved from elemental experiments to becoming a multidimensional healer. Krystal's journey isn't just about her own growth; it's also about nurturing a community,  in her brick-and-mortar shop, at Anahata's Purpose, and over the digital realm where education and support thrive.

Navigating life's disruptions, like a house fire, while fostering personal happiness and maintaining motivation in our practices can be a daunting task. This episode offers a candid look at how Krystal and I address these challenges, striking a balance between solitude and the need for social connectivity. Our conversation goes beyond the personal, examining imposter syndrome's paradoxical role in grounding us and the pivotal importance of authenticity in offering value to our community.

Wrapping up our magical journey, we delve into the art of energy management, the warmth of connecting with mentors and peers, and the quirks of running a metaphysical business. From "interrupters" that reset energy patterns to acting as a conduit rather than a reservoir during healing practices, we share our strategies and stories. Discover the unexpected surprises and the serendipitous connections that make the spiritual realm a source of endless delight and learning. Join us for an episode that's both enlightening and heartening, filled with wisdom for witches and non-witches alike.

Learn more about Krystal and Energy Ripple here!

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What do you wish I asked this guest? What was your "quotable moment" from this episode?

Have you ever felt the pull of energy work or the call of the metaphysical world? Krystal Vasquez of Energy Ripple joins us to share her intriguing blend of what many would call witchcraft with her healing practices. Through her tales, we gain insight into the modern accessibility of witchy tools and how she evolved from elemental experiments to becoming a multidimensional healer. Krystal's journey isn't just about her own growth; it's also about nurturing a community,  in her brick-and-mortar shop, at Anahata's Purpose, and over the digital realm where education and support thrive.

Navigating life's disruptions, like a house fire, while fostering personal happiness and maintaining motivation in our practices can be a daunting task. This episode offers a candid look at how Krystal and I address these challenges, striking a balance between solitude and the need for social connectivity. Our conversation goes beyond the personal, examining imposter syndrome's paradoxical role in grounding us and the pivotal importance of authenticity in offering value to our community.

Wrapping up our magical journey, we delve into the art of energy management, the warmth of connecting with mentors and peers, and the quirks of running a metaphysical business. From "interrupters" that reset energy patterns to acting as a conduit rather than a reservoir during healing practices, we share our strategies and stories. Discover the unexpected surprises and the serendipitous connections that make the spiritual realm a source of endless delight and learning. Join us for an episode that's both enlightening and heartening, filled with wisdom for witches and non-witches alike.

Learn more about Krystal and Energy Ripple here!

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Welcome back to your Average Witch, where every Tuesday, we talk about witch life, witch stories and sometimes a little witchcraft. Your Average Witch is brought to you by Crepuscular Conjuration. If you're looking for community, for accountability partners or for new witchy friends, check out Crepuscular Conjurations and Hivehouse. The tiers range from the free tier, where you get a small sampling of all the digital offerings, the Witchy Wonderment tier, where $6.69 gets you access to the monthly spells, the private Facebook group and the Marco Polo group, and finally the monthly magic group for $11.11, where you get the whole shebang. I offer monthly spells, printable downloads like journal and coloring pages, podcast bonuses, guided meditations, spell crafting videos and tons more, but most importantly, you get access to the monthly magic Marco Polo group. It's basically an instant coven, if that's what you're looking for, and just a bunch of uber supportive, hilarious friends if that's what you need. Instead, Visit crepuscularconjuration. com and click on subscription services to learn more.


This week I'm talking with Krystal of Energy Ripple. We talked about energy work, a demonic phone call and our upcoming plans for Anahata's purpose. Now let's get to the stories. Hi, Krystal, Welcome to the show.


Hi thanks for having me, Kim.


Thank you for being here. Can you please introduce yourself and let everybody know who you are and what you do and where they can find you?


Absolutely. My name is Krystal Vasquez. I own Energy Ripple. It is a brick and mortar shop in Bristol, pa. I also have a website. It is klvenergycom. It covers all of my services, all of my store products, and I have been to Anahata's this will be fifth year running so I teach workshops there. I do have a few other retreats. I have hosted retreats on my own. I have been part of other retreats as well. If you are looking for me on Instagram, it is uh KLV energy ripple on Instagram, on Facebook, it is just energy ripple, and on Tik TOK we are KL. Uh KLV energy are. So I think energy ripple was taken, klv Energy R I think Energy Ripple was taken. You can find me pretty much anywhere. You can Google me and Google Energy Ripple in Pennsylvania and you will find me. So we do all sorts of wellness services, workshops. I'm also part of Bristol Alt Fair, which is a vendor event that we hold relatively regularly, as well as alternative nights at our local bar. Cool yeah, got a little bit of everything going on right now.


So what does it mean to you when you call yourself a witch, if you do?


So I'm going to be really honest because I like this question. I am a person who doesn't label themselves a witch, but has been labeled a witch by others. So what I do is really what I would call myself is a multidimensional healer. I move energy on multiple levels and layers consistently for my clients and for myself and for my business. So the witchy aspect comes from years of being educated and being on the search for knowledge really. So learning about spells and rituals and crystals and tarot and kind of just knowing that, that all kind of marries in the quote unquote witchy realm. So, for lack of a better term, people call me a witch, but I don't necessarily label myself that.


Cool. Was there another term you would like me to use?


I mean, you're welcome to call me a witch all day long, that's totally fine. It's just not something I personally use for myself. Like I said, I tend to go with like a multidimensional healer. That's what's on my cards. But we do like for the shop. Since we are in the realm of herbs and crystals and tarot and things of that nature, we do say that we are a witchy shop.


Would you say you practice witchcraft.


I'm a. If I do, I'm a very lazy witch. Very lazy witch. I guess I'm at that point where I know, you know for there's like baby witches who like trying to do everything correctly and like all of that and then you get to a certain point where you're like, oh, I've done this so many times that I just kind of know that it's based around intention and certain herbs or candles and colorings and things like that. So I would be the laziest witch if I, to be honest, so not even a simmer pot, to be honest, so not even a simmer pot. So I tend to think that I work more on an energetic level, intention, wise, things like that. But I am I'm less of a ritualistic, ceremonial person and more of an intentional person.


So growing up did you have these sort of metaphysical multi-plane?


No, so in a certain way, yes, like I was the kid who would sit with the wind and play with the wind, right, so I would play with the elements more than having I didn't have access to herbs and candles and things like that. I didn't have access to that, so I would utilize the elements around me.


What made us access to candles. Well, you know, to be honest, I have a lot of clients who will bring their children in and they will create things with them intention wise and not like. You know, young children. But they're create things with them intention wise and not like you know young children, but they're, yeah, it's more accessible. This is more of a re-my childhood with fire.


Yeah, it's more accessible now than it was then. Right, so, not going to age myself, but it was more of the elements kid, I would read a lot of books. I would take in a lot of spell books in the library and whatever I could get my hands on, so I would do it that way. There was a point in my teenage years where I did like mess around with love spells and play with things that I probably shouldn't have played with and just I'm going to create this spell and see what happens, kind of vibe. So I did do a lot of that. I did have tarot cards at a very young age.


My aunt and this will actually answer another one of your questions, but my aunt was the hippie aunt who had, you know, the tarot, the tarot deck, some crystals, just enough to get me into the idea of it. There was a crystal book, there was a magic book, into the idea of it. There was a crystal book, there was a magic book, you know that kind of vibe, but like she's from the era of the 70s where, like that was the normal for a minute, right, so she didn't continue on in her practice, but what she didn't know was she handed me a little rose quartz crystal and that was the start of this like love affair with crystals and the vibe and what they feel like and all of that. So I've always been a very vibey person. I haven't needed really to deep dive into rituals and spells and all of that stuff, but I it did start for me very young.


So do you have any consistent maybe not? Yeah, absolutely Every day Consistently.


If anyone is going to call me a witch, I would say I would be a chaos witch because I am all over the place, right. I have gotten better about utilizing a certain type of candle when I'm doing a certain kind of energy. I do have, like, a rose of Jericho sitting in my business office. If you don't know what that is, that is a plant that is actually forms from a root ball. You put it in water and it regrows, right, it regenerates. You can't necessarily kill it, right. It just continues to either die off without water or regrow. So it is of rebirth and abundance and things like that. So I have little practices that I work on to continue having abundance, to continue having growth.


When it comes to making sure that I'm protected, you know, occasionally, depending on what's been going on in my life, I might throw out a hex uh candle. You know what's going on with with that practicing um, with black candles, white candles, money candles, things like that, um, where you dress them with herbs, um. So, yeah, I do have relatively regular practices. One of my favorites, though, and it's one of my easiest ones, is I created a jar at the beginning of my business where it was just sea salt and then the herbs of things I would burn, so sage, cedar, palo santo, pretty much any ash like anything you could think, bay leaves, cinnamon, you name. It has been burned into this little jar of sea salt and you mix it up and then, when it is to a certain extent full right, then you take that and you line your property with it, right for protection, for abundance, things like that. I know right now the big trend is to blow cinnamon in your door. For many, right, I've been burning cinnamon for years. Just burn it, just burn it when you want and bring in the financial abundance.


So I'm a big believer in burning a lot of things to clear, to move vibrations. I'm a big sound person as well, sound bowls, I use tuning forks in my practice, things like that. So, yeah, absolutely, I have a ton of different practices that I use, I want to say semi regularly, because, again, I am eclectic and chaotic and it just is. It's based on the energy for me. So I'm like, ok, tapped in, where am I at? What do I require in this moment to move this energy or shift it to what I want it to be Right? So that's where I'm at.


Would you say that this practice has changed your life?


Absolutely. I didn't think that I would be a metaphysical wellness shop operator as well as kind of a community leader in regards to these things in the local space that I'm in. I didn't think that I would ever be just workshopping things at a huge retreat with 400, 500 people at a huge retreat with 400, 500 people. I never thought that I would do retreats where I would be standing in front of people and offering the experiences and the metaphysical nuances that I've been kind of honing over the last 10 years to other people and be able to kind of give that and give that education to other people. So I used to be in corporate. I used to be just. You know, when I got out of high school, I kind of dropped all of the witchy stuff because it wasn't supposed to serve me, it wasn't going to make me money, right. So went to college, did that through night school, got myself a small business, uh, administration degree over many, many, many years because finances and stuff and never thought I would use it, never thought I would actually own a business.


And 2020 kind of gifted me that moment where it was like, okay, well, you're not happy in your corporate environment and you need to get out of it. So here, literally, we're handing you an out in the universe and we're also handing you the ability to create this space and do what you want with it, and that's what I did. So in 2020, all of my, my entire existence changed, really, because I was honing in the spirituality and trying to figure out well, how do I make this part of my life? And 2020 handed me. Well, you create it, you create the space, and so I did that, and ever since my, I can't explain how much gratitude and support and love that I've received from the community just being there, and that is something that has literally shifted my whole being.


I feel like 2020 was a big old power.


Absolutely, absolutely. What would you say is the biggest motivator in the past? The biggest motivator Right now? For me, it's community.


Originally it was just trying to get people out of their boxes and open up minds to something that's different than what they're used to.


A personal motivator for me is just educating people and creating an inclusive space comes in, for if we're running a big event and things like that, we get to talk to them about what the products do, what intention they could set and how they can shift their lives just by changing their mindset and being open and aware.


And I find that when they start to be open to one thing, they'll start to be open to other things, and we kind of live in like a small community where a lot of the mindset is closed. So when we start to get those folks who are not used to these things and they just kind of pop their head in at first like, oh, what is this? What does this do? You know it's my job to go. This is something that can help transform your life if you want it to, if you have that belief system and that faith to be open enough to it, and then I've seen people kind of grow just from those small interactions over time. So that is my motivator to continue doing that, just to be able to open people's minds up a little bit more every time I have a conversation with them.


Would you say that that's different from when you first started out?


So my original motivator was about me, right. So we always kind of go inwards to go outwards, right. And so my personal motivator before I owned the shop, before I actually had an audience to speak to, was to recreate my life in the way that makes me happy, right? My whole goal of trying to find happiness, to be motivated, to be myself, to commit to myself, to find and educate myself as well in the realms of these things, so I can have the conversations. So originally it was about why am I sick and no doctor can tell me what is wrong with me, right? Why is my mental wellbeing not great and what can I do about that? And then just trying to find a way to live in this society that has been created around us without losing my mind and not, like you know, going into the woods and becoming a recluse, right, right, trying to be part of the community instead of disappearing into the woods. I still want to do it, but I'm giving myself some time beforehand, like I want to get to a certain age before I'm like I'm out, I'm out, reclusing it's, it's for me now, right, so that is the end game, but right now, you know, like I'm trying to fit it.


The original motivator was trying to find a way to bring more joy and happiness into my life, be able to bring abundance into my life. Where I felt comfortable, I can pay my bills, things like that. Right, and I'm not saying that when you book a session with me, you're automatically paying my bills, but what you're doing is you are allowing me to continue the drive and the motivation to spread the awareness that this is something that everyone can do. This is not something that only one or few chosen people can do, but we can continue to do this as individuals for ourselves, and the magic is going to be different based on our own individualism. So Nice, I feel like you're like. Feel free to go off book. I didn't really read the questions. You're welcome to ask me whatever you want.


I tend to have this. Don't worry, it'll happen.


I'm like we're just going to go down whatever road happens today Exactly.


What would you say is your biggest struggle in your practice?


consistency, but that's just me as a human consistency.


So I'm not great with things that like require manipulating the human brain, like marketing, right, and like the content that needs to be created in order to get myself out there and to be able to influence multiple people.


The algorithms it's just ridiculous at this point, right, they're not trying to help us, they're trying to sabotage us, and so I do better in person. I do better in person, um, uh, so my struggle right now is making sure that I'm scheduling enough time to be in person with people, right, and like cause I do better with crowds, I do better with, like, fast talking. Let's have this conversation real quick and then you can decide if you're going to book with me or if you're going to come in and buy something, whatever. So that's why I like workshops, that's why I like retreats, cause I get to spend time with people, and that also influences me to know what you guys require. So the struggle right now is just um, I don't know if you know this, but I had a huge house fire back in January, and so my struggle has been for the last few months, just trying to get myself back to a space of comfort, to feel not in survival mode, yeah, safety, not in survival mode, right, in fact, in thrive mode.


And so I had to put all of my workshops on hold. I did do like a couple of small things with very few people, but it it took a chunk of time out of my um, my ability to do things. So I'm just starting to get back into putting workshops on the book, scheduling with people, things like that. So that's kind of just that plus content. It was just, you know, kind of set me back just a smidge. Yeah. Yeah, it's been, it's been rough, it's been a rough few months, but we are getting there. We're getting there, we, we. At the beginning of April, we met that energy of like, okay, it happened and I need to start to move forward from it and not wallow in it anymore, and so it's now trying to get people around us to shift. So like, okay, let's stop feeling bad about the situation and start to realize that it's not going to change and we can move forward from it. So shifting the energy of it from us outward is kind of the what we're working on right now.


So, yeah, would you say you ever have imposter syndrome about. Okay, Would you say you ever have imposter syndrome about?


Okay, who doesn't? I? Honestly, I have this theory that if you don't have imposter syndrome, you are working from a place of ego only. And what can you possibly offer me? Because you're only going to give me your personal perspective on things.


Right, with imposter syndrome, I think it's completely normal to have a little bit of it, right, you should always have a little bit of it, especially when you're going into workshops and you don't.


You feel like you don't know anything, and then you start to talk and people are in awe of what you are actually giving them, right? So, yeah, anytime I do a retreat, anytime I do a workshop, anytime, even even in one on one client, you know situations where I'm not sure this is the first time I'm meeting this person, we haven't had a conversation yet, like that kind of thing. Absolutely, we'll totally have imposter syndrome. So to overcome it, I tend to just know that fear is the way that your body tries to keep you safe, but in reality, you need to sit in the discomfort in order to move forward and be able to grow. So I have. I have actively worked on that so many times where, like I know right, we sat on a panel together at the last Anahatas and you know how uncomfortable that made me, like I was. I was sweating, I was, I was gross underneath those clothes. I was absolutely disgusting.


Really, Because I thought, oh gosh, she's so professional and I'm just no farcical weirdo on the end.


No, I've just gotten to hone it right, I've just gotten to be able to put on that, that brave face, that mask. You'll catch me slipping in communication when I'm doing stuff like that, because my brain will just short circuit and I'll be like oh, no more words, oh well, so, but yeah, no. So, to overcome it, I tend to just drive right through the fear and focus on something that I know that I can talk about. Um, and I have this idea that this belief system, that everything we know, sits in a cloud above our head, like the original quote-unquote cloud of information, right, and you kind of just pull in the information that you need in the moment. And you for me, if I'm doing a workshop, I'm doing a meditation, I'm doing some sort of talk of something, or even sometimes, when I'm with a client, I will allow that information kind of take over so that I can give them the information in the right way.


And I take myself out of it personally because it's not about me, right? My personal belief systems have no like place in regards to clients or workshops or anything like that. It's like when you're doing mediumship if you're doing mediumship and you're speaking with the other side, that message isn't for you. That message is for that person who's in front of you and you are just a conduit to give that message. So, allowing that myself to kind of step out of it and know that it's not a personal situation, this is not a personal belief situation, right, it is about being able to just strive to give that information in the best way or the way that they can understand it with your tones so that they can come back to it later. Understand it with your tones, so that they can come back to it later. Does that make sense? I just did it. I'm going to listen back to this later and be like I don't know what the fuck I said. Absolutely not, don't remember it, but it's not a personal situation, it's just trying to get the information out.


Perfect, yes, we are. We are a 10 out of 10 today.


Then, what brings you the most joy in your practice.


Being able to see people take the information in and actually do something with it. And I get people who come back three months later, six months later, and their life has shifted the way that they wanted it to and they're thriving, they're having these beautiful lives from an hour session with me or, you know, two or three sessions or whatever they decided to do. And I don't have clients who need to come in every month for years and years. Right, I have a couple of clients who will come in. I had one client. I'll give you an instance I have I had I'll give you two instances because I love both of these clients so much and I don't see them anymore at all. I had one client who wanted to quantum shift herself completely out of what we would call death programming, meaning she didn't want the suicidal thoughts anymore, she didn't want the depression anymore, she didn't want the mental illness anymore. So she decided that she was going to quantum leap herself, with my assistance, in a matter of 45 minutes in an energetic yeah, she is thriving so hard. She's on my Instagram, you can look her out. She is just. She got married, she's been taking great care of her body, she's just like all of these wonderful things and she wrote me this beautiful review about um, just how much shift she got from one session, from one session, and so that's really what keeps me going.


Another wonderful client came in. She had just had, like, a miscarriage and she was dead set I'm not going to be able to get pregnant, I can't do this anymore. All of that stuff. And I'm like, but what do you want? And she's like I really want a child. But I really want a child, like right now. And I was like, all right, so that's what we will focus on, that's your focus. I. So she had this beautiful intention that we went into a session with. I think we might have worked on that for maybe two or three sessions and, mind you, they're about an hour session each. And then I didn't see her again for three months and she came back and she was pregnant, like she was fully pregnant. So then when she had her baby, she came in and she's like this is the energy ripple baby.


So we have children now. So it's just a beautiful, beautiful way to be able to spread that energy and have people come back and say I've had people walk up to me at Anahata's. Someone walked up to me and they were like, yeah, I took what you said in this one class and I applied it, like fully applied it, and I'm doing insane right now and I'm like that's, that's crazy, that's amazing, that's freaking amazing. So that is what keeps me going on the day to day, honestly, because there are some days, there are some weeks I don't see clients.


I don't, you know, I may not have the energy or I just don't have, you know, no one's scheduled or something. Let's be real, you know, sometimes there's a drought of people and everyone's doing their own thing and I'm like, okay, I can just wait it out until I get busy again or whatever, and start to see these folks again, and I always get new folks. I mean, I have to say I've probably seen more new people than I have repeat customers, because my goal is you don't need to do this all the time, you just need to do it to the point of being able to bring in happiness and growth into your life that you feel good about yourself, you know. So that's what keeps me going.


You actually came up in. I'm like 90% sure that it was in. Well, I did a group interview with some of my patrons and you came up because they were talking about one of the class at one of the workshops you did at Anahata's.


I'm gonna guess it was intro to energy. Yes, that was a wild class. So I always tell people every time I do a workshop it's funny because I've been doing similar workshops for the last almost five years. This will be the fifth year and every time I do them, I do it based on the audience that I have Right, so it's based on the energy of the audience that is right in front of me, so it can shift based on who's in front of me.


And I just so happen to have all of these wonderful little witches in front of me, so it can shift based on who's in front of me. And I just so happened to have all of these wonderful little witches in front of me and they had all of these beautiful questions. And so we did the intro to energy. But then we shifted it to something that was more galactic, something that was more open, something that could invite them to see the world in a different perspective, and it just wound up being this beautiful class, and I I will never forget that class. It was one of my favorites, for sure.


They said that they were doing some kind of meditation and you walked around and talked to and they didn't they like, had their eyes closed or something. And they they heard you say something to the other person that it was similar to what they. You told the one that was yeah. And then at the end of the class of the presentation, you were like I had to pull some of you out of yourselves, but it was fine, and Janie and Sarah looked at each other like it was me.


And Janie and Sarah looked at each other like it was me. Yeah, yes, I do so. When I do a meditation, my, what I do is I set up a grid of being able to enhance the energy, and what that does is it gives me an idea of where everyone is sitting, because I can see your energy more clearly and feel it. So when I'm walking around and kind of making sure that everyone is in line with where we are supposed to be, there are some folks who will block themselves from allowing in energy, right? So with that intro to energy, we're connecting with ourselves, we're connecting with earth and we're connecting with source and connecting with earth and we're connecting with source.


And I think we got to source and they were like oh, I'm too scared to do source stuff. Oh, like what is that going to let in? And I'm like it's only going to let in the things you want it to, the intentions that you require and the messages and downloads that you require to move yourself forward. So that is what the intention is that. So that's what we're going to allow in. So I had to kind of like bump them out of their bodies in order to allow that to kind of download and sink into their bodies, but they're great.


Honestly, I didn't have any expectations for the last Anahatas and I try not to go in with expectations, but I always have such a fantastic time meeting people and and they had probably been there multiple times before and I know I had been there multiple times before, but you don't always cross paths until you need to cross paths and they were just. They were in my path constantly the whole time and I was like, okay, so I've got information for you. You guys are going to show me what's up and it's.


It was just a really beautiful exchange, you guys are going to show me what's up, and it was just a really beautiful exchange, maybe this will be the year that I actually go to class I.


every year I say that, every year I say that and I have not gotten to. I always miss it and I don't know. I think I spent last year just getting talk, like people would just walk up to me and start talking and just unloading and I would offer them my perspective and then boom, an hour was gone, like, and I'm like, oh, I missed the thing that I wanted to do. I still haven't done archery. You know how many times I've been there for archery and I still haven't done archery. I still haven't done the drums. There's no drumming for me. I can't even get into a rhythm like I haven't done anything. I haven't done anything I can't ever like. So this year I'm gonna put it out into the ethers that I would like to attend something.


yeah, within the four days four whole freaking days that were there, right, um, yes, yeah, it's, it's just wild, it's wild yeah, I can probably count, on one hand, the number of like official things from the schedule that I have made it to and this is gonna. I'm coming up on my fourth one.


So, yes, okay, yeah, let's hold each other to this okay, okay, I'll see you that first day and I'm gonna say okay, we need to circle something. Yes, I don, I don't care, we could go together, we could go separate, I don't care what it is. We're going to circle something and we're going to put ourselves in that space.


I like it, okay, good this is a question that Andrea asked a while ago and I added it to my list of questions because I like it. What is something you did early in your practice that you don't do anymore, and why don't you?


Okay, that's a really good question.


Also, if it wasn't Andrea, sorry, I don't remember who you are. Please tell me.


I need a second to think about this, I think. For me specifically, I think it would probably be something along the lines of worrying about what everyone else thinks about what you do, to be honest, like and your practice is going to change a million times and you might find yourself going back like I find myself this year going back to some of the like root core things that held me together at the beginning, and I think that that is okay, especially when you wind up in such a big trauma and you throw yourself back into those things that really kind of held your spirit up. So I will say honestly, I use a lot of the things. It's just probably inconsistently, but worrying about what anybody else has to say and what they do and how they practice. That is not something that I uphold anymore. I don't have any judgments or opinions on how other people use their practice and if they decide to do rituals or how they decide to do rituals or whatever they use. I'm trying to think if there's anything like one specific thing I don't follow spells anymore. I don't follow spells anymore.


I will find that like people will open up a spell book and try and go in and replicate it like piece by piece, and when folks come in and I'll just tell them like you can substitute a bay leaf can be switched out for a stick of cinnamon or vice versa, whatever.


You don't need to replicate the spell to every single point like a scientific recipe, right, so you can kind of play with it. More than that. So I definitely I went through that mode when I was a teenager of trying to replicate a spell specifically. I went through that mode when I was a teenager of trying to replicate a spell specifically and and I know that without the intention behind it being correct, it doesn't work anyway. So if you have the intention, that is your main ingredient. That is the one thing that you will require to make any spell work. Um, but yeah, so that is, that is probably it the judgments, opinions on other people's stuff and just throw all that shit away. And also, do not feel like you need to uphold every single spell, use every single word and have it down to a time and a science in order for it to work the rhymey extremely long yes, stuff that I have to say I don't have time or memory in my mouth will not do that exactly.


Could you imagine some of that, like you get a spell book and it's it's pages of a spell, absolutely not, absolutely not right if I'm, if I'm doing this, yes, no, well, and then they want you to memorize it. You know like it's, like they expect you to be uncharmed, where you can say, like this cute little rhyming spell, and it just says no, oh my god, please stop. No, absolutely not, no, and I don't have time to, I don't have time to bring five other people into the circle.


To also memorize it, hold hands and do like I don't have time for that. My goodness, you know. Wait, how long did it take for us to schedule this podcast? I don't have time for that. I don't have time. A year, over a year, like seriously.


Teenagers maybe can do that when they're learning, like Exactly when they have to memorize caesar's speech to whoever yeah, it's a great way then yeah, go ahead and memorize this spell.


I'm not, I don't, I can't do that right now it's a great basis, but it's not something that upholds over time. At the end of the day, you're like oh okay, this is about money.


All right, bitch, give me my money, let's go you do the candle and you do the whatever and you're like oh okay, this is about money. All right, bitch, give me my money, let's go and you do the candle and you do the whatever and you get what you need to get. You sing a song. Maybe I have to remember a song Bitch, better have my money, bitch, better have my money. Yeah, absolutely.


But I'm not saying a soliloquy written by Shakespeare about it.


Absolutely not, absolutely not.


What is your favorite tool? Doesn't have to be a physical object. Yeah, how do you use it?


I have so many tools in my toolbox right now but I honestly I have so much fun with using a pendulum in front of other people especially just blows their freaking mind and it really is just an extension of you, but it kind of just gets to that visual part of our brain that we really love and it's so satisfying when you see it like turn and then you ask it a question, it turns the other way, you know.


So sometimes I'll use a pendulum to make a point with people, um to prove that I'm validating whatever is needed to be validated in that moment. But that is probably one of my top, like I will. I will go back to that in order to um prove my point. So that is number one, and I know that I believe it's. Janie is a pendulum freak and I love to call her. I sent her a couple of really neat pendulums and she's got some beautiful pendulums in her collection and, yeah, so we bonded over pendulums, but it's, it's you come up every time we talk about it.


Well, there was a retreat that we did. It was a smaller one, we had a lot of beans there and we were around a campfire and someone was playing with pendulum and I was like can I just see it for a second Cause I want to make sure that it would work. So I started playing with it and I walked around to every person and I asked them really out of the box questions that they normally wouldn't ask. A pendulum, like what galactic collective have you been? Or like have you been, you know like whatever? Like how many lifetimes have you been here? Like that kind of stuff, you know like out of the box stuff, because I like to validate things that no one else can validate, right?


So if you're thinking like way outside the box and you're, you're focusing on things that you normally wouldn't focus on, it helps open your perspective to some things that could download or come into your body a little bit easier. So that's what we did and I went around to every person. I think I went around like two or three times around the fire and I talked to every person about these things and it just like it was such a cool exercise in showing them how they could use a pendulum, and then I was like here, now you do it and just walked away. It's not, it's not personal to me. You can do it as well. It's just a matter of what questions you're asking. So it's an extension of yourself, but it's um, it's one of those really cool tools that I don't think gets enough hype.


Was it your class that they learned about the body itself at being? But I loved hearing them talk about that.




Using your body for truth testing, allowing your body to go forward and backward to get your yes and no, and then sometimes it doesn't move at all, which kind of is just like do what you want to do. You know it's not really going to impact you and that is an option in life as well. You know there's always another option. You know there isn't always just a yes and a no. There's an A and a B and a C and a D and a Z, like all of those things. So when you start to think outside of the box, if you feel like you only have two decisions to make, maybe you need to start thinking way outside of the box to see if there's another option that would work. And a great way to do that is to either truth test with your body or use your pendulum to see if there is another option that maybe you're just your brain is just not putting together.


Speaking of your brain, not putting things together. How do you pull yourself out of a magical slump?


Honestly, I am a person who's like okay, but am I supposed to be in the slump right now, Like, is this where I'm supposed to be? Because, honestly, sometimes we need a kick in the pants and in order to do that, we have to rest through something. So it depends on the slump. Am I, am I feeling like I'm getting bad juju? Are things going wrong in this slump? Or am I just in rest mode, Right? So if I'm just in rest mode, that's fine. Maybe I'm just I need to be off this week. Maybe I need. Maybe there's something going on in the universe that I don't understand fully, because I'm not great at astrology, although I like to pretend that I am.


But you know, I don't know that feeling pretend that I am, but I think it was during the solar, like the eclipses that we just had, right, there was a moment where you were just kind of bumped out of the energy and you had to be really human for a moment to recalibrate. Yeah yeah, absolutely human for a moment to recalibrate? Yeah yeah, absolutely. So you have to recalibrate sometimes in order to be pushed into the next level that you have, but on a real, on a real note, if I am feeling like I'm in a slump, I will probably use sound for for number one. Um, either it's me playing with my, my singing bowls, or I'm playing like a binaural beat or something. While I'm doing something, sometimes I will listen to people who I find energetically uplifting, and I don't mean like in a positivity guru kind of way, but I mean in someone who makes me think outside the box, right so someone who makes me question what I'm going through, and then that helps me to kind of be like oh well, maybe I'm just not seeing the puzzle pieces in the way that I'm supposed to be seeing them in this moment. Okay, so what if I shift and I do an interruption of my energy by doing something outside of the box for myself. Does that help me bump back in the way that I do? So it's kind of like a hard restart, right.


When you do an interrupter, turn yourself on and off again, absolutely, absolutely. I tell people to do this all the time. So you should have some sort of interrupter that you have built in and it can be different every single time you do it, but you know that it's something that would be completely outside of your norm for that day and you decide to do it anyway, right, so, whatever that is. So if you normally don't go to the gyms on gym on Mondays and you're like I feel super weird, I feel super off, maybe I do need to go to the gym today, that would be considered like an interrupter, right.


Something small that you do. It could be hey, I never take baths, but today I'm going to take a bath to see how it feels, and that's an interrupter because you never do that thing. It's not something that's normal to your routine. So anything that's outside of your normal routine is an interrupter and you can use those things daily to kind of like hard reset your energy, right, it brings you into the almost, not discomfort, but it brings you into a different realm of being in that space because it confuses your brain when you're outside of your routine Question on that.


So this is two more weeks. You know, I'm just, I wish I could go somewhere and I wish I could go to the freaking post office or the gym okay, so you can't drive for the next two weeks.


Can you uber somewhere?


not from the country, not affordably okay, that's fair.


Do you have friends? I just have to wait no, not to wait.


My friends live on my phone and they can't drive me anywhere. Oh, gotcha, so I gotta just wait these two weeks yeah, which okay, fine.


I do have a business that I'm running but Workout at home.


I don't even like driving or going anywhere. I just don't like being told no.


That's the realist. Me too, me too.


Me too. I'm the worst at that. Fish literally makes me vomit. But if you told me I absolutely can't, I will want fish sticks. You'll try it. You'll try it. You'll be like, oh, now it looks interesting. Now let me try it, because I am a cat and an Aries moon and a Taurus. Don't tell any of those things, no.


Me too, I'm a Taurus sun Aries moon Sag rising.


Oh, I'm. Sag rising, so we both got a little bit of a crazies going on.


Oh for sure, I've just learned to manage mine, but you let me loose and you're like what the hell's happening over there? Chaos, magic, that's what it is. Demon mode. Demons are spirits too speaking of demons?


not. Yeah, let's go. What's something you? Wish was discussed more in the witch community.


Demons, demons, liking demons, which, um, uh, free will and the ability to interrupt things, and the idea that we can have magic in a routine but we don't require magic in a routine to make it work. Um, also, the intro to energy that I created, uh, or that I utilize a lot in my workshops, um, I find that when we are deep diving into whether it's witchcraft or energy work or whatever kind of practice you're you're utilizing even yoga work, right, anything that you're showing up and you're helping others with I find that if you are fatigued, you are basically draining your energy for everyone else, and so the intro to energy that I created was specific to making sure that you aren't draining yourself and allowing yourself to be programmed to bring in outside energy and be in a conduit, instead of being someone who gives their energy freely and is always constantly drained. So, as an energy worker, I found that a lot of people who were laying hands on other people or doing terror, readings and things like that just showing up and serving for people are generators. They're yeah, they're batteries, they're battery packing people, right. So they're like here I'll give you my energy to make you feel better for the next 48 to 72 hours and I'm going to feel like shit when I'm done with this. And I get that question, a lot like when I'm doing back to back clients and things like that am I drained? No, I'm not drained. I'm energized because I'm utilizing universal energy in order to do those things, which is what you're supposed to be doing. So, like Reiki one.


When I learned Reiki, I'm a Reiki master, teacher, all of that but I learned it in a very unconventional way and in doing it in that way, I learned that Reiki one doesn't actually provide you with how to be a channel for the energy you're supposed to channel to heal people, right? It just says to do it. It doesn't say how to do it, right. So the programming that your body is unaware of, that lives inside of you, needs to be activated somehow, and that's what we call keys and codes and downloads and things like that. Just kind of depends on who you talk to.


But when I do intro to energy, intro to energy is specific to like if, if you want to, if you want to do Reiki with me, you're going to learn how to, how to manage your energy and not utilize it when you're doing things like Reiki or energetic work, because you shouldn't be giving away yourself like a battery pack, like you will just be dead and drained all the time and that's how does that help anybody? I don't understand if you, if you do an energetic work and you're like man, I'm beat afterwards Like that. That's not what we're supposed to be doing. So when I taught, when I taught intro to energy, it was specific to if you're going to do any sort of magic work, energy work, anything like that, you are supposed to be connected in a specific way to allow that energy to come in, so you don't drain yourself. That's the point. So we don't talk about that and that pisses me off a lot. I don't want to be drained after hanging out with people. I don't want to do it. No, why? Ew? Stop taking my energy.


That's rude why Ew Stop?


taking my energy.


That's rude. Get your own energy. So the moral of the story is come down to hot us and take the intro to energy class.


Absolutely. I do believe we are doing. I don't know. I try and get ahold of Rachel. If anybody can get ahold of Rachel or if Rachel's listening to this, call me, because I'm not sure what's going on this year, but we're going to. Not sure what's going on this year, but we're going to get it together. I know last year we just kind of threw me onto the schedule in certain areas, which is fine. I'm down for the spontaneous whatever we can meet on the on the field and just do like a giant intro to energy. I'm cool with whatever.


But yes, intro to energy is specific to learning how to not be fatigued when working with other people and tapping into your energy so that you can use it for things like truth testing in your body, pendulums, things like that again without draining yourself. So that is the main point of intro to energy. I started doing that a lot when I started teaching Reiki, because people would come to me and say, oh, I learned Reiki one, but it was just really. It was just like a lot of energy and really draining and I was like, oh, it shouldn't be draining. And they're like what? And I'm like, yeah, exactly, this is where we need to go back, to go forward, so that and I usually teach Akashic records, which is a very basic walkthrough into the Akashic records.


If you don't know what Akashic records are, they are the past, present and future timeline. Anything that is an emotional pool. So it could be good, it could be bad, it could be anything right, so long as it had some sort of emotion tied to it. Those moments are stored in the Akashic records. Akashic records is specific to your human life, human life or earthly life. Right, because you could have been a cat, I'm sure you'd find it in there.


I was probably a dog. I'm not really a cat.


Cat, dog, squirrel, whatever.


My last person I interviewed. Her specialty is Akashic Records, so that's come up a lot in the past five days.


Oh, that's awesome. Ah, maybe you should be visiting.


Maybe think about the three biggest influences on your practice, whether they are people or a book or whatever. Thank them for the influence.


Yeah. So I want to say probably my aunt Lori for getting me into what she didn't even know she was doing, but she was leaving me in her apartment alone as a child and I went through every book I was a book hoarder and I was like, oh, this is a book I haven't read and it had spells and crystals in it. So thank you for that, because I'm blaming you for this whole thing, um, and she knows that. She knows that Um, and then also one of my biggest um, um, and then also one of my biggest um, one of the biggest people that I follow, uh, and I have. I had met her, I think, in probably 2017 or 2018. And she was also just starting out in tarot and crystals and things like that, and I took a very small course from her and we wound up doing multiple courses after that where she was growing, growing, growing, and I wound up growing, growing, growing alongside her and I'm actually back in one of her courses now because I took a break, but she's one that always makes me think outside the box and test things energetically versus just going with what I quote unquote.


Know, um, and her name is Caitlin Diana. Uh, she is at CaitlinDianacom is uh, it's C-A-I-T-L-I-N-D-I-A-N-N-Acom, um, and she owns Healer Rising, which is a community a huge community now. Huge community now. Um, that has allowed me to grow and learn different modalities. Um, there's workshops. There are, um, foundational things like learning Akashics, learning courts and contracts um, just things that I was not really privy to when I was going down this road back in 2017. Um, and I really, really, really needed the community in order to believe enough in myself to do these things, and that was the community that helped me do it. And they're actually out of Canada, um, which was even more fun because I would go to workshops in Canada, so I got to learn to be myself in different situations.


Yeah, really, that's where I started international traveling and it landed me to go to other places as well and it's just been such a beautiful ride with really interesting humans. So that's probably. She's very much at the top of my list and it doesn't really matter if you think she's very much at the top of my list, and it doesn't really matter if you think she's a cult or not, cause it really doesn't matter to me. Um, so everyone thinks everyone's a cult. I've been called a cult leader the last two years myself, so whatever it's you know, I don't.


I don't even have followers, whatever. So, um, and then also, I would say honestly, rachel, rachel Minton, wherever you are, my dear goddamn, you have flipped a switch in me and we I don't know if you know the story of me and Rachel, but I had just opened my shop in June of 2020 and someone on the block they they ran noble earth. They were like a kombucha shop and they were going to go to the Anahatas 2020 and offer kombucha. I saw them post about Anahatas, realized how freaking close it was, and I just emailed her right away and I said hey, whatever you need, you need a volunteer, you need. That was all I could think of at that time. You need a freaking volunteer. I'm here to help. However you need, you need a sponsor. Let me figure it out. I'll work it out. I've literally been open for like two months, right. So this was like August. This was this was three weeks to Anahata's 2020.


And immediately she called me and she's like I'm better on the phone, let's talk about this. What do you offer? What's going on, right? And we gelled. We probably talked for like an hour or two hours and she was like I have facilitators dropping out left and right because COVID and all of this stuff, and can you take a COVID test and what do you want to teach? And I was like I don't know, but I'm down to teach whatever, let's do this Right. So she put me in, I did. I was the only person who knew anything about Akashic, so she put me in for Akashic. That's the first time I taught that outside of, like my own environment.


Um, and I think we maxed out maybe a hundred 125 people that year and it was so kind of like small and niche and beautiful and it was in a different location at that point and we just we just so vibed, like we just vibed for four days and, um, I met Cheryl, who does like the Highland games and stuff. She was my tent, like across the way from me, my tent mate, and stuff. Like I met so many amazing people in that one year that it was like hell yeah, I want to do this forever, like forever. And she and Rachel's always the one who's like hell yeah, I want to do this forever, like forever. And she and Rachel's always the one who's like you know so much and like do that stuff. And she has such a great belief system in people that it just makes you believe so much harder in yourself, and she's just a beautiful, fricking human.


There's one on a hottest podcast and it's me and Rachel talking for an hour and a half about all sorts of stuff. So, if you get that, that is that is I think that was right after the Anahata 2020. But we talked for forever and that was the only one episode I remember existing in the Anahata's podcast, but it was a beautiful episode and so if you have any questions about who I am, go back to that episode. It's an insane just me and Rachel, just like you know, shooting the shit and yeah, and every year she's just there for me, she's just there and she's just amazing and yeah, so shout out to her. Thank you, my dear. I love you. You know I love you and I can't wait to see you again and yeah, so those I can't wait to see you again.


And yeah, so those are my top three. Those are my top three and all my community. Obviously, like everybody, I love everybody. I'm so, so freaking and I never, even like until this year, really used this word, but blessed as fuck. Honestly, I'm like so freaking grateful for everyone who has shown up and shown out for me over the last few months especially. Yeah, it's just like made my life so insane. It's just like made my life so insane. It's.


It's honestly like I'm I'm in therapy now because of the whole traumatic whatever, but like I was, my last therapy session was me just going like I don't know how to deal with all of this support and like I don't know people keep putting like nice stories about me and like they say nice things about me and I don't don't, I'm always, I've always been the mean one and the blunt one. Like I don't know how to be, like you know this person that they've, they've created me to be and um, yeah, I've, just, let us love you. Yeah, exactly, that's my community right now. Let us love you. I we're, you are the cult leader, we are the followers. Like I, just, I'm okay, all right, all right, cool, I'm trying. I'm trying. It's just, it's a huge shift in in the last two years, so I get that, but Rachel started that. Rachel started that. I blame her for that shit.


So absolutely, absolutely what advice do you have for people just starting out?


Hmm, remember to have discernment, remember to have an understanding of what's best for you and let go of the rest of it, right? So we intake so much information and we tend to, as humans, want to learn every single thing inside and out. And we read the books and we talk to the people and we listen to the podcasts and we watch the documentaries and all of that. When you are doing those things, find your truth, your truth, in each and every one of them. It does not have to equate to everyone else's truth, right? You can do whatever you want to do, so long as you have discernment and understanding of what it is that is truthful to you. That's it. That's all I got for that.


I'm applauding you. I know that I'm not going to clap really loudly because it'll sound bad on the mic, but I applaud that. Now that you have seen what the questions are and what it's like to talk to me, who do you think would be fun to have on the show? Who would entertain you?


Honestly, I could go down the list of people that we probably all have in common Everyone we know.


Everyone we know. I mean, just go through Anahata's roster. There's always so many interesting people that show up to that event and are just so. The beautiful thing about it is it's just so freaking loving. Like there's just so much goddamn love in one space and no judgment, no opinions, right. No like oh, that person's naked in the creek, like awesome, maybe I'll go do that too. And right Like there's no like oh my God, look at that person. Or oh my God, did you see that thing? Like that just doesn't fucking happen at Anahatas, and that's something I've aspired to create as well in my own community that it's just love and not light, but like understanding, right, inclusiveness and protection of one another and no drama. So I love that. But yeah, you could probably just go to Roster Anahatas and pick some people.


Well, is there anything else you wanted to bring up? Anything you wanted to talk about that I didn't ask, or any questions you had for me, anything going on with your business, or any questions you had for me, anything going on with your business.


So lots of things going on with the business. It is event season. So if you are local to Pennsylvania, specifically closer to Philadelphia so Bristol is about 20 minutes above Philadelphia and we do Alt Fair Night, which is basically like 25 cool vendors no mlms, people who actually make really cool crafts, such as kim um, if she was closer we'd be selling her shit at our, our alt fairs and stuff, um. But you come and you meet cool people and you vibe um. We just did an alt night last night where we had like some new bands um in like an emo vibe. We did pop, punk and pizza, you know, for three or four hours and just jammed. It was great, it was beautiful. So we're going to continue to do those events. We have like monster prom coming up in october, um, oh yeah, I know we just we don't want to do monster prom.


You gotta come around. You gotta come around. Um, we're doing a monster prom. We'll have a couple of vendors, but basically you're going to get all dressed up, costumes, prom gear, prom photos, vibey bands, all that shit. We do that. That's local to Bristol as well.


But if you are looking for a workshop like Akashic Records, like Intro to Energy, and you can't make it to Anahata's this year, you can certainly reach out to me on Instagram. Instagram is usually where I post all of my scheduling. We're going to be doing some crystal workshops. We're going to be doing tarot workshops. We have Colleen coming in again to do tarot workshops. We do tarot walk-ins for events as well. So there's a ton of stuff. If you're looking for crystals and you're not sure what to do, you can reach out to me for that as well. Everything is on my shop website. If you're confused about the shop website, again, Instagram is like the easiest way to reach me in person and just kind of like reference this podcast, if this is where you're hearing it, because that gives me a better idea of how you found me and that you're not just a crazy person who's looking to extricate a demon. Okay, so other than that, I mean, well, I do have a quick story. Can I just quick story real quick. One of my favorite stories.


Um, probably about six months ago I got this phone call from this man and he calls the shop and he goes I think I have a demon in my bedroom. It only lives in my bedroom and it sleeps with me at night. And I was like OK, what do you want to do about it? And he's like I don't know, I just wanted to talk it out with somebody. So I know that I'm not crazy. And I'm like I don't know if you are or you aren't crazy, that's not for me to decide Like can you give me more information? So, mind you, 20 minutes go by.


We're still talking about this possibility of this demon being in his bed, Right. And I said to him I said you know, like it's now reached 20 minutes. Normally I would. This would be a consultation. I would help charge you for that amount of money. You've now taken so much information from me. If you would like to book a service or a consultation to continue this conversation, we could certainly do that.


And he goes no, I can't do that. I don't think I'll be able to do that and I'm like that's fine, but I am at the end of my rope on this conversation, so I'm going to have to close this conversation down. And he's like but what do I do about the demon? And I said well, do you want the demon to leave or do you like the demon? And he goes no, I have sex with the demon. The demon's good. He's been fucking a demon for lord knows how long. No, wait, no, we're not done. We're not done with that.


Homie comes. Homie calls back later and he's like I need need to talk to you about this demon. And I said sir, we've talked about this. The only thing I could do is come over and remove the demon from your space, if that's what you think it is. But you don't want to do that. You want to work with the demon. So that's up to you and your choice and how you want to work with the demon. And he's like well, but is it weird if I keep having sex with it? He wants permission. Sir, what you doing? I can neither confirm nor deny that you are having sex with a demon at this point. So this is none of my business, Right? So can you please just like stop calling me.


I have a ton of stories like that. If you'd like to hear those, those will eventually maybe make it to my own podcast. I don't know if I get the time to go back to doing that, so I was supposed to. I don't know if you. I think we talked about this on the panel, but I was actually creating a podcast of my own called Chaos Demon Podcast. We got one episode down and then I had a giant fire at my house and I haven't had time to do another episode, so we never released the first episode because it's going to be such a big, drastic shift to the next episode. We haven't just we haven't gotten there yet. So I'm formulating a plan to come back and do like a regular drop of chaos demon episodes, and that's that's on my that's on my plan as well. So there is an Instagram. It's called chaos demon podcast. You're welcome to join that as well If you are excited about listening to stupid stories like the one you just heard.


Because I got them. Because what else are you going to get when you, you know, own a witchy shop? What else are you gonna get when you, you know I want a witchy shop? People are gonna walk in and tell you that a magical gypsy in a in the barnes and noble in the barnes and noble wait work made them believe that they worked in the barnes and noble and walked up to a customer and gave them a specific tarot deck that was then cursed by this gypsy. The gypsy was never to be seen again and the tarot deck was so cursed it moved from one spot to the other to the other every day until they threw it away. They just put it in the trash. It was gone. That's what they did with it they trashed it. So they got rid of the curse tarot deck by trashing it.


Wow, too bad, I'll call curses, aren't that simple? Just throw it out. Just throw it out, put it in the bin. Tommy Shelby had just tossed out that blue thing that killed his wife.


The animal doll should have just gone in the trash can. If you put the trash can with the trash can lid on it, it won't be able to escape.


It's encapsulated magic.


I've got a dozen of these things honestly, Four years of running this shop and it's been interesting for sure.


So the last two things I ask of my guests. Thing number one is please recommend something to the listeners. It doesn't have to be metaphysical, magical, occult, whatever it can be anything.


Go take a walk in the woods, hug a tree. You got allergies. Take an allergy med before you go. Go fucking hug a tree when's the last time you? Hugged a goddamn tree. Okay, I'm passionate about it.


Go do it thing number two is tell me a story. I know you just told me a story, but can you tell me another one?


anyway, oh man, those are my best stories, oh shoot. So the first time I met Kim, she gave me this look like who the hell are you? Why are you in my way?


Then I realized it was just your face. It is, it just does that it just does that.


My face does that too sometimes. I'm sure I gave Janie and um everyone else who was in the shop last year I was afraid of you a fright, a fright. When I walked in, because I was, I was just confused. Okay, so the story on that, on here.


This is my show and I can click this and make you go away. But in real life I'm afraid of you.


So the story behind the shop last year at Anahata's was normally so. For the last three years I've run the shop essentially like where I've just come in and I've sold my wares and no one like we just do what we're going to do. So the year before I feel weird.


Yeah, yeah. Well, I didn't know any. I didn't know it was going to be any different. No-transcript. You need to be outside of the space in order to do other things and speak to other people and have a different experience at this Anahatas than you have been having being tied to the store constantly for those four days.


That was me last year. I took that over for you, just never leaving.


Well, maybe we can find a better balance, right, we can find a better balance of it, right. So that's kind of what it was. I was just like, oh okay, I don't have to be here, I can just leave my Venmo up here with the few items that I'm going to put up and then I can just skid out on, do whatever. And it was. It was for the betterment of myself in being more involved and being able to have conversations with more humans, outside of the idea of I'm selling things. Yeah, right, which was really really great.


So at the end of it, I was thankful and grateful to have that experience and that space to do that, and I didn't realize just how much I had taken on in taking over that shop. Like you'd like, yeah, it's a lot. It is a lot because you're constantly dealing with folks who are coming in and they're the most beautiful people in the world. But at the same time, you're like, yeah, I'm getting asked that question again and you're on for four days. You're on, you know, you're masked up. That's why I have very specific like requirements when it comes to, like my accommodations and things like that, because at the end of that day, that eight hour day or whatever you decide to have in that shop. You're completely wiped and you need to figure out a way to regenerate and I honestly I needed a break from that last year. So we can better, we can find a better way to do it.


This year. I'm not going to be in the building this year, no, okay, I'm sharing with Amberlee this year. Okay, that's fair. But think sarah and janie sarah at least will be yeah she'll still be there with all her pretty ceramics yeah, we'll get it figured out. We always do well, it wasn't a story, but you guys did get to hear some little little little inside information.


You're welcome that's a story, I think that's a story, it's a story about how don't let your business take over your life. Yeah yeah, this is why we haven't been to a class in four years. We're like, oh, we're gonna sell things instead. You know, and it's, it's beautiful and it's great, and there's four of us, we can take shifts and then I'll have so much time.


We didn't do that at all. A lie.


What really should like we should have figured out. Yeah, we need to figure out a schedule if we're going to do that shit again, Like prior to shit again, like prior to, brought my niece, who didn't even have a business.


She was just there to help but I could not wow because I am crazy no, I totally get it.


I was the same and I, the year before I had brought my best friend, who normally helps me with my events, at my shop and the goal was to get her to a couple of the workshops and stuff like that to do. And I think the only thing she did because I kicked her out of the shop at one point was she did the Highland games because it was directly in front of the shop. She didn't go to anything else the entire four days and she wouldn't leave the shop because she's a control a type and she was like I've got to handle all the money and all of that stuff, so, yep, she would not leave where, and I don't want to be obliged to someone else for baby having my stuff.


Yeah, yep, yeah, right, start your own business. You know you'll be your own boss and you'll never work a day in your life my and you only ever work I'm.


This is my day off. I consider this work right, so it is work. This is my day off. Yeah, it is work.


This is my day off well, thank you again for being on the show my pleasure honestly good to catch up and to learn more about you absolutely.


I appreciate you having me on the show and this was a lot of fun.


I I needed this yay, so everyone immediately go down to show notes and click everything that you see and follow and make it official. Yay, facebook official. Yes, at this point, be my facebook friend be my friend.


All the followings and the friends, let's do it.


And I will see you on Instagram. Okay, the end. Bye! Krystal. Welcome to Hive House.


I have a Hive.


House shirt on. I made it last night. I started doing sublimation, that's awesome, I made one of those word cloud things in the shape of a bee, because that's what my little people call themselves. That's neat, that's awesome, okay Say when, when Did you or would you join a sorority in college? Fuck, no.


Ew, no, no, oh, you want a. Why One? I didn't go to a? It's gross. Yeah, ugh, ugh, um.


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You can also visit my shop, clever Kim's Curios, to get spell boxes, one at a time or by monthly subscription, intentional handcrafted jewelry that I make especially for witches and handmade altar tools. You can even listen to the full your Average Witch podcast library, including show notes and transcripts. Check it out at crepuscularconjurationcom. Thanks for listening to this episode of your Average Witch. You can find us all around the internet on Instagram, at your Average Witch Podcast, facebookcom, slash groups, slash hivehouse, at wwwyouraveragewitchcom and at your favorite podcast service. If you'd like to recommend someone for the podcast, like to be on it yourself, or if you'd like to advertise on the podcast, send an email to youraveragewitchpodcast at gmailcom. Thanks for listening and I'll see you next Tuesday.

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